Healthy Mag

Health Tips and Ideas for better Life

A magic recipe to remove unwanted hair on the face in 15 minutes

To get rid of unwanted hair or facial hair, women choose a variety of hair removal methods and techniques that are not always healthy or economical. Between sessions of hot wax, hair removal or laser, the skin is not the only one to be assaulted but also your wallet. To help you eliminate hair on the face, here is a natural and economical tip that will only take 15 minutes!

Normally, the whole human body is covered with hair, except the nails and the palms of the hands. Hair, especially among women, is often perceived as unclean or shows a lack of femininity. That's why they strive on these as soon as they appear, to have a skin with a smooth touch.

In particular, facial hair is the most feared. Although generally very fine, women do everything to get rid of it. They do not hesitate to use different hair removal techniques to have a softer skin without hair. Only these methods are not always healthy for the skin, can be expensive and especially painful.

Yet the natural tips to eliminate unwanted hair are not lacking. Here is a recipe based on 100% natural ingredients that you certainly have at home. The results will surprise you!


1 tablespoon oatmeal
2 tablespoons of organic honey
2 tablespoons lemon juice

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients mentioned before to obtain a homogeneous paste.

Apply the mixture to areas of your face that you want to remove hair. Be sure to make circular motions, applying it, then leave on for 15 minutes.

After this time, you can remove the paste from your face by gently rubbing the skin and going against the direction of the hair. Rinse with warm water, then use your usual moisturizer.

Use this tip two to three a week. After a month, you will notice that the unwanted facial hair gradually disappears. Continue the same operation until the desired results are achieved.

Why is this trick effective?

The whole effect of this trick is how to remove the dough. It becomes hard and dry and acts like wax. Indeed the hairs adhere to the dough and uproots at the moment of removing it. After several uses, they will become finer and will decrease gradually.

Other benefits of this trick:

Much more than a method to remove unwanted hair, this trick also helps to activate the blood circulation in the face as well as to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Oats are very rich in nutrients, making them a very nourishing and moisturizing ingredient for the skin. It is also effective for exfoliation and cleansing of the skin and it is thanks to this ingredient that the hairs are removed.

Lemon is a very good beauty ally. This citrus has astringent, healing, toning and antioxidant properties that help maintain skin health and prevent wrinkles. Lemon is also a purifying and brightening natural, which helps to fade stains.

Honey, thanks to its antioxidant, nourishing and detoxifying properties, brings many benefits to the skin. It purifies, moisturizes and soothes the skin, while promoting the regeneration of skin cells and protecting them against the effects of free radicals, which can cause skin aging.

Caution :

This tip is not recommended for people with dry or sensitive skin. It is also recommended to do this trick in the evening, because the lemon is photosensitizing.