Healthy Mag

Health Tips and Ideas for better Life

4 ways to use garlic to fight hypertension

You have hypertension? Does one of your loved ones start having problems with his blood pressure?

First, we can advise you to talk to your doctor. Then, it is necessary to realize that it will soon have to change your habits of life.

Improve your diet, reduce your intake of salt, sugar and saturated fats, and exercise are the three best resolutions you can take to regulate your tension.

However, there is a natural remedy that will allow you to multiply the effects of your efforts: garlic.

Did you know that garlic is an exceptional natural remedy that, according to many studies, is one of the best allies of our heart health? With this food, you will be able to reduce your bad LDL cholesterol, while regulating your tension.

In this article, we will share with you 4 simple ways to achieve this.

1. Garlic salt for all your meals
Allicin is a naturally occurring medical enzyme in garlic. It has the most benefits that our heart health needs.

It is interesting to know that garlic has been regarded since the Greco-Roman Antiquity as a medicinal spice of daily use, which makes it possible to cure many diseases and to strengthen the heart.

In addition, garlic is one of the best antibiotics in nature, and it is one of the staples of the best diet in the world: the Mediterranean diet.

If this diet is so healthy, it is because it leaves only a very restricted place to salt, preferring in particular foods that bring healthy fats, such as the famous olive oil for example.

Do you want to know how to completely eliminate salt from your diet by substituting it for garlic salt? Please note:

Ingredients to make your garlic salt

6 garlic cloves
2 spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil (60 ml)
This preparation is really simple. Simply remove the skin from the garlic cloves, and return them to a frying pan with the olive oil. Once the pods take a beautiful golden color, turn off the heat. Pay attention to what they do not burn!
Put them in a glass jar, separating them from the olive oil so that they do not soften under the effect of too much moisture.
Whenever you need to give your dishes a little more flavors, you will only have to grate one of your cloves of garlic. You will love !

2. Garlic with fasting

In our articles, we have often spoken to you about the benefits of garlic consumption on an empty stomach. It is an ideal way to regulate high blood pressure, and to fight many diseases.

This practice makes it possible to depurate the liver, to fight physical fatigue and to prevent various infections. How to resist all the garlic benefits?

How to consume garlic to fight hypertension?
Ideally, two raw garlic cloves diluted in a glass of water should be consumed each morning on an empty stomach.
It is possible that this remedy seems to you a little strong to taste. But if you consider all the benefits that this will bring you, you will see that this little morning effort is well worth it. The results will appear after only 20 days.
If you think garlic will give you bad breath, do not hesitate to drink a lemon juice or chew a mint leaf after you have ingested it.

3. Garlic macerated in oil

We can assure you that this recipe is delicious. Consuming garlic macerated in olive oil is an ancestral remedy that will allow you to reduce your blood pressure in a very simple way.

Moreover, it is a culinary preparation very tasty, and very original.

What do you need ?
20 cloves of garlic peeled
One liter of extra virgin olive oil
A glass jar
How to proceed ?
The first thing to do is to peel the cloves of garlic, and cut them in half. Then, fill the glass jar with the liter of olive oil, then dip the 20 cloves of garlic that you have prepared beforehand.
Wait until at least three weeks have elapsed before you begin to consume these garlic cloves macerated in oil.
It is an exceptional way to naturally reduce your hypertension. Consumed daily, on a good slice of bread, this preparation will enchant you. It is recommended to consume two pods per day.

4. Garlic tea

Garlic tea is also a very old remedy, ideal to take care of its heart health, to lose weight, to fight against infections and to slow down premature aging, thanks to its content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants .

It is ideal to consume it on an empty stomach, or 20 minutes after lunch. If you choose to consume two cloves of garlic fasting in the morning, you can opt for a good cup of this tea after your lunch.

These two ways are very effective in fighting hypertension. We will explain how to prepare this tea.


A clove of garlic
One glass of water (200 ml)
A little grated ginger (3 g)
1 spoonful of lemon juice (15 ml)
A spoonful of honey (25 g)
Start by heating the water. Once it begins to boil, add the chopped clove of garlic, the grated ginger and the spoonful of honey.
Stir well, and cook for 20 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, filter the contents of your pan, and keep your infusion.
The next step ? Add the lemon juice ! And give yourself pleasure!