Healthy Mag

Health Tips and Ideas for better Life

A magic recipe to remove unwanted hair on the face in 15 minutes

To get rid of unwanted hair or facial hair, women choose a variety of hair removal methods and techniques that are not always healthy or economical. Between sessions of hot wax, hair removal or laser, the skin is not the only one to be assaulted but also your wallet. To help you eliminate hair on the face, here is a natural and economical tip that will only take 15 minutes!

Normally, the whole human body is covered with hair, except the nails and the palms of the hands. Hair, especially among women, is often perceived as unclean or shows a lack of femininity. That's why they strive on these as soon as they appear, to have a skin with a smooth touch.

In particular, facial hair is the most feared. Although generally very fine, women do everything to get rid of it. They do not hesitate to use different hair removal techniques to have a softer skin without hair. Only these methods are not always healthy for the skin, can be expensive and especially painful.

Yet the natural tips to eliminate unwanted hair are not lacking. Here is a recipe based on 100% natural ingredients that you certainly have at home. The results will surprise you!


1 tablespoon oatmeal
2 tablespoons of organic honey
2 tablespoons lemon juice

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients mentioned before to obtain a homogeneous paste.

Apply the mixture to areas of your face that you want to remove hair. Be sure to make circular motions, applying it, then leave on for 15 minutes.

After this time, you can remove the paste from your face by gently rubbing the skin and going against the direction of the hair. Rinse with warm water, then use your usual moisturizer.

Use this tip two to three a week. After a month, you will notice that the unwanted facial hair gradually disappears. Continue the same operation until the desired results are achieved.

Why is this trick effective?

The whole effect of this trick is how to remove the dough. It becomes hard and dry and acts like wax. Indeed the hairs adhere to the dough and uproots at the moment of removing it. After several uses, they will become finer and will decrease gradually.

Other benefits of this trick:

Much more than a method to remove unwanted hair, this trick also helps to activate the blood circulation in the face as well as to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Oats are very rich in nutrients, making them a very nourishing and moisturizing ingredient for the skin. It is also effective for exfoliation and cleansing of the skin and it is thanks to this ingredient that the hairs are removed.

Lemon is a very good beauty ally. This citrus has astringent, healing, toning and antioxidant properties that help maintain skin health and prevent wrinkles. Lemon is also a purifying and brightening natural, which helps to fade stains.

Honey, thanks to its antioxidant, nourishing and detoxifying properties, brings many benefits to the skin. It purifies, moisturizes and soothes the skin, while promoting the regeneration of skin cells and protecting them against the effects of free radicals, which can cause skin aging.

Caution :

This tip is not recommended for people with dry or sensitive skin. It is also recommended to do this trick in the evening, because the lemon is photosensitizing.

The Fruit of carob

Fruit of the carob tree, tree with evergreen leaves probably originating in Syria and cultivated since antiquity; It would then have spread to the Mediterranean region. The word "carob" comes from the Arabic word kharrub which means "pod".

The carob tree is related to the tamarind tree; It is sometimes known as the "bread of St. John," for a legend tells that Jean-Baptiste would have fed his seeds with honey when crossing the desert.

Carob has many benefits so the food industry uses abundantly as a substitute for cocoa and as an additive for its stabilizing, binder and gelling properties. Carob also serves as a substitute for coffee and animal food. It was popular food in Europe until the early 1920s, and then it fell into oblivion. The carob reappeared massively on the market in the early 1980s, especially in North America, when the food industry used it to replace cocoa, which became scarce and costly as a result of a shortage.

The carob tree can live 100 years; It grows in hot climates and reaches up to 12 m high. This decorative tree has fairly large leaves that are tough, green and shiny on the surface. The small reddish flowers clustered into clusters give rise to fruit, long, flattened brown pods, which are 10 to 30 cm long. They contain a sweet and juicy pulp, in which a row of 3 to 10 shiny, hard, flat, reddish-brown seeds is aligned. The cultivation of the carob has spread to several parts of the world; This tree grows especially in Mexico, the southern United States, India, South Africa, Australia and the Near East.

The carob tree provides two distinct products: locust bean powder, similar to cocoa, obtained from pods, and locust bean gum obtained from locust bean seeds contained in the pod. The carob is marketed in solid form (powder, broken) or liquid (syrup). The carob powder is obtained by drying, roasting and grinding the pod after removing the seeds.

Unlike cocoa, carob does not contain theobromine, an excitant similar to caffeine. Since carob is very sweet, it is not necessary to add sugar when used instead of cocoa. However, the flavor of carob beats to be raised, either by cinnamon or mint.

The degree of roasting alters color and flavor; The higher it is, the darker the carob and the more it loses its flavor. The solid carob, the syrup and the chips are made from the powder. As for the seeds contained in the pods, which are covered with a very narrow brown envelope, they contain a translucent white endosperm which provides the carob gum. This acts as a thickener.


Uses of carob

The carob is used as cocoa and chocolate, it is put in cakes, cookies, drinks and confectionery. It is used as such or combined with cocoa or chocolate. For each part of cocoa, 11/2 to 2 parts of carob by weight can be substituted in most recipes. However, it is preferable to add strong flavors to enhance flavor.

When the carob powder replaces the cocoa, reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe by about a quarter, as this powder is sweeter than cocoa powder.

Carob is less soluble than cocoa. A certain quantity remains in suspension in the liquids, giving a less clear consistency and creating a deposit at the bottom of the container; First diluting the carob with warm water makes it possible to dissolve it better. The carob melts at a lower temperature than the chocolate and liquefies more quickly, which can be troublesome for the preparation of foams, for example.

4 ways to use garlic to fight hypertension

You have hypertension? Does one of your loved ones start having problems with his blood pressure?

First, we can advise you to talk to your doctor. Then, it is necessary to realize that it will soon have to change your habits of life.

Improve your diet, reduce your intake of salt, sugar and saturated fats, and exercise are the three best resolutions you can take to regulate your tension.

However, there is a natural remedy that will allow you to multiply the effects of your efforts: garlic.

Did you know that garlic is an exceptional natural remedy that, according to many studies, is one of the best allies of our heart health? With this food, you will be able to reduce your bad LDL cholesterol, while regulating your tension.

In this article, we will share with you 4 simple ways to achieve this.

1. Garlic salt for all your meals
Allicin is a naturally occurring medical enzyme in garlic. It has the most benefits that our heart health needs.

It is interesting to know that garlic has been regarded since the Greco-Roman Antiquity as a medicinal spice of daily use, which makes it possible to cure many diseases and to strengthen the heart.

In addition, garlic is one of the best antibiotics in nature, and it is one of the staples of the best diet in the world: the Mediterranean diet.

If this diet is so healthy, it is because it leaves only a very restricted place to salt, preferring in particular foods that bring healthy fats, such as the famous olive oil for example.

Do you want to know how to completely eliminate salt from your diet by substituting it for garlic salt? Please note:

Ingredients to make your garlic salt

6 garlic cloves
2 spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil (60 ml)
This preparation is really simple. Simply remove the skin from the garlic cloves, and return them to a frying pan with the olive oil. Once the pods take a beautiful golden color, turn off the heat. Pay attention to what they do not burn!
Put them in a glass jar, separating them from the olive oil so that they do not soften under the effect of too much moisture.
Whenever you need to give your dishes a little more flavors, you will only have to grate one of your cloves of garlic. You will love !

2. Garlic with fasting

In our articles, we have often spoken to you about the benefits of garlic consumption on an empty stomach. It is an ideal way to regulate high blood pressure, and to fight many diseases.

This practice makes it possible to depurate the liver, to fight physical fatigue and to prevent various infections. How to resist all the garlic benefits?

How to consume garlic to fight hypertension?
Ideally, two raw garlic cloves diluted in a glass of water should be consumed each morning on an empty stomach.
It is possible that this remedy seems to you a little strong to taste. But if you consider all the benefits that this will bring you, you will see that this little morning effort is well worth it. The results will appear after only 20 days.
If you think garlic will give you bad breath, do not hesitate to drink a lemon juice or chew a mint leaf after you have ingested it.

3. Garlic macerated in oil

We can assure you that this recipe is delicious. Consuming garlic macerated in olive oil is an ancestral remedy that will allow you to reduce your blood pressure in a very simple way.

Moreover, it is a culinary preparation very tasty, and very original.

What do you need ?
20 cloves of garlic peeled
One liter of extra virgin olive oil
A glass jar
How to proceed ?
The first thing to do is to peel the cloves of garlic, and cut them in half. Then, fill the glass jar with the liter of olive oil, then dip the 20 cloves of garlic that you have prepared beforehand.
Wait until at least three weeks have elapsed before you begin to consume these garlic cloves macerated in oil.
It is an exceptional way to naturally reduce your hypertension. Consumed daily, on a good slice of bread, this preparation will enchant you. It is recommended to consume two pods per day.

4. Garlic tea

Garlic tea is also a very old remedy, ideal to take care of its heart health, to lose weight, to fight against infections and to slow down premature aging, thanks to its content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants .

It is ideal to consume it on an empty stomach, or 20 minutes after lunch. If you choose to consume two cloves of garlic fasting in the morning, you can opt for a good cup of this tea after your lunch.

These two ways are very effective in fighting hypertension. We will explain how to prepare this tea.


A clove of garlic
One glass of water (200 ml)
A little grated ginger (3 g)
1 spoonful of lemon juice (15 ml)
A spoonful of honey (25 g)
Start by heating the water. Once it begins to boil, add the chopped clove of garlic, the grated ginger and the spoonful of honey.
Stir well, and cook for 20 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, filter the contents of your pan, and keep your infusion.
The next step ? Add the lemon juice ! And give yourself pleasure!